What positive impact can we make to build a sustainable future?
More people than ever are agreeing that companies change the way they do business, become more transparent and create significant change. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has taken its place in today’s corporate world.
Corporate Social Responsibility is the new black. Imagine that by saving one sea star you could save unique species: even a small action can lead to a big result. In the same way, we at Uptech are going to improve the world by creating an inspiring work environment and crafting high-quality products.
The main resource for maintaining corporate social responsibility on a high level is motivation and belief that everyone can make a positive impact on the world.
Our CSR strategy applies talent, charity program and contribution to education to create long-term, sustainable social impact.
Invest in talents’ growth to build innovative environment
By focusing our talent, technology, and capital on education and entrepreneurship, we strive to enact positive social change through economic growth, new workplaces, and innovation. The development of the team members is a further objective of Uptech’s CSR. Our company believes that team members are the foundation of success. That’s why we created a program for personal development — every team member can spend up to 10% of their working time on self-development or on side projects. We believe only increasing work-life balance can ensure an innovative and creative environment.
Also, we have such initiatives as:
- Uptech learning policy. It regulates the number of company’s money which every employee can spend on learning — attending courses, conferences, schools. Uptech covers at least 50% of the educational expenses for course, events, conferences.
- Uptech library. We regularly buy books and other learning materials, which add up to the Uptech library.
- Uptech team card. A team credit card is a common budget which every team member can use for making work more efficient — tools & software at work, food & drinks for celebration parties, presents for outstanding performance and etc. No approval needed — buy whatever you need to make your work more efficient.
These programs enable team members to fulfill their potential while developing leadership skills which are crucial for the development of the company in various directions.
Ensure the crucial progress of society with charity activities
Uptech team members feel a social responsibility and are willing to contribute to our nation and people around us. Every team member can voluntarily donate some part from his/her salary, usually, it is 1–2%, to Uptech Charity fund. Each team member can propose any charity initiative and we all decide how and whom to help.

So far, we’ve participated in 8 initiatives:
- Helped with medicaments and birthday presents for a small girl (she has been in reanimation for the last 3 years).
- Helped a heavily wounded soldier.
- Planted 69 trees.
- Congratulated more than 20 children in difficult life circumstances with the New Year.
- Became the sponsor of the WOW Kids forum.

The most powerful weapon to change the world — education
Uptech participated in an AIESEC internship program in winter 2018. AIESEC Global Talent is an internship experience for young people aiming towards professional career development in a global setting. Uptech invited a marketing intern — Anchi Wong from China. She was a participant of the AIESEC program and has been working in Uptech for 6 weeks. We helped Anchi to get acquainted with Ukrainian culture, learn how IT companies work and what are the main marketing technique on the market.

We believe in the power of self-education, thus we voluntarily helped the biggest online course platform in Ukraine — Prometheus, the first and the most popular massive open online course (MOOC) platform that delivers education to everyone all over Ukraine. Uptech helped to create iOS and Android apps to make studying easier and more comfortable for everyone in any part of the world. By the way, Prometheus get 1500 installs right after launching a beta version.
Our team members also help young people to choose their career path. Uptech regularly participates in a “Free Way” project which helps young people 17–22 y.o. to make well-thought career choices. We showed the participants how Uptech team works and had a long Q&A session with them. Uptech team members gave advice to the young visitors and shared the pros and cons of their current professions.

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Uptech CSR creates opportunities for all the team members and the local community through our initiatives to take an active role in addressing social, cultural, and environmental issues. Every team member in Uptech shares our commitment to making a positive social and environmental impact while providing our services with real value. We believe social and educational activities can enact lasting and positive social change and build a sustainable environment and responsible society.