and sharing video home tours

Yaza is a real estate app for recording and sharing video home tours. It allows creation of a visualized map for prospective home buyers based on location.
Yaza is focused on location and hosts personalized lists of home tours, optimized for video sharing, and with full privacy controls for users.
I really like that Uptech doesn’t just build something that’s unnecessary. They always try to expand what can be built. They think just like Silicon Valley.
Peter Sisson
The Yaza team had an idea to create a social app with a visualised map of places that groups of friends might like, so that it would be easy to find places to visit. To ensure the product was going to solve a problem that affected enough people, Uptech team took a step back and went through a process of customer and problem validation. As the results, Uptech and the client unveiled that the real estate market might be a better fit. Uptech team chose an iterative model of development to build the product in small parts and gain users’ feedback during the all product development cycle.
The Uptech team has been extremely tightly integrated with the Yaza team, both when remote and also during onsite collaborations.
The client came to Uptech with a request to create a utility tool for navigating experiences found in the real world. They wanted to connect people who wanted to explore more new places and anchor experiences to the map so people could effortlessly choose a place to go.
We've undertaken a complete development cycle: from discovery when we validated the initial idea and defined the scope of the project, to the growth stage, where we are continuing to work and help the product team to find product-market fit and increase the audience. During communications with users, we determined a better product-market fit - an app for the real estate market for recording and sharing video.
When a new cool idea or feature comes up during a project, the main thing is to understand whether users really need it.
Before implementing the new functionality, each idea goes through a validation process. On that basis, a hypothesis to be tested is formulated, then criteria and methods of validation are defined. Only after we are sure that the hypothesis is valid, the team starts to implement the corresponding functionality.
One way for Dollar Shave Club to achieve this goal was through a mobile app, which would provide them with account management tools to encourage engagement. We implemented such features to keep users engaged: Original Content, Gift Cards, New Business Model with “Handsome discount”, Internationalization — shops in
non-US countries, and much more. We also needed to make sure the implemented design was
pixel-perfect, so that the app provided a smooth experience across all supported Android devices and as few bugs as possible (seriously).
As digital projects become more complex during their development, we need to adapt a UI design approach too. Redesigning user interfaces based on user testing can significantly improve the usability of the solution.
Iterative approach during the development of the App involves continuous design improvement based on user testing and other evaluation methods. We test the UI solutions during a sprint and search for some interface difficulties and issues. Any emerging problems would then be fixed in a new iteration which should again be tested. As a result, we always have up-to-date and best
UI solutions for the App.
Uptech started with the Discovery Stage, the goal of which was to define the project vision and scope, undertake research and validate the hypothesis. Firstly,
we gathered all initial requirements and conducted stakeholder interviews which helped the whole team to sync. Then we conducted a Product Studio Session
where the hypotheses and scope of work were defined. Finally, all solutions were prototyped and tested with users.
During the Discovery stage, we created a prototype of the App that visualized the scope and features, and helped grasp the full picture of the app’s design. After several iterations of testing and hypotheses validation, we improved the prototype.
It was an important step, since making changes to a prototype is much simpler and cheaper than to the final released version.
This is the place where users can store their videos connected to places and manage their network circle.
The main map features allow users to create a visualized map of homes, and to easily and comfortably find and share listings.
Friendly language of the App encourages users to start activities and help to solve issues.
Users can find a prospective new home by filtering the map by type of place and who posted there.
Yaza’s foremost focus is on easy and fast sharing of home tours through a variety of methods including text message, Facebook, Instagram, email, airdrop.
Create an authentic and immersive HD quality video tour just with a phone.
Friendly tone of voice of the App encourages users to start activities and help to solve issues.
On the horizon, Yaza plans to add new features to make the experience for its customers even better and build buyer trust through video.
Uptech is glad to be part of Yaza’s success. We also believe in its mission to provide tools that promote truth and protect privacy on the Internet. We are glad to make a positive difference in the world together.
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